As we walked to the sea, I distinctly felt the sun’s force
as the sabia (sand) was burning my feet. Once we made it to the water, we didn’t
want to get out. The water felt amazing and just standing up with my top half
out of the water brought the full force of the sun down on me. I would head
right back under water. When we did get out, I spent about an hour tanning
before heading back for lunch.
During lunch we had some surprise guests (not that
surprising as we knew they were coming, but we expected them later in the day).
My cousin Mariella from Hollanda (The Netherlands) and her husband Nik and two
son’s Fabio and Elio arrived. They have a place that we can see from our patio,
so we will likely be spending much more time with them. I haven’t seen them
since 2010 and my Mom hasn’t seen them since 2009. It was a nice visit.

Once I was done researching, It was back to the beach. I
took a notebook along this time, and after sunning myself for an hour and a
half in the late afternoon sun, I ordered up a Peroni grande (large), and scene
mapped out a new script idea. It’s 32 scenes long.