Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Foodtopia Moments

Today we ate pranzo (lunch) in Civitella del Tronto. We all ate from the menu turistico, only 15 Euros each for a primi (first course), secondi (second course), contorni (vegetable side), water and vino (wine). Zia and I had the same thing, chitara pasta with polpettini (mini meatballs). For seconds, Mom and Zia had veal scaloppini, and I had a fritto misto of local treats. One was pretty interesting. They had stuffed a green olive with meat, breaded and fried it. The flavor was very interesting, and I wish there were more than four on the plate. We also had patatine fritti (French fries). I tried something new as a topping on the fries when I ran out of ketchup and mayonnaise. I used lemon. The fries already had salt, and the lemon added a whole new dimension that I am looking forward to trying again.