After looking at the weather report for this week, I made
sure I got to the beach this morning. It was sunny as usual, but it was windy
and the sea was too rough to go in. Rain is on the horizon, up to two inches
says the Weather Channel. All day we’ve watched as the clouds have rolled in
and the already strong wind has picked up.

Currently we are sitting under cloudy skies with wind gusts
around 25 mph and even thunder. Everyone has pulled pillows inside, and all of
the balcony sun shades are in ready position for a storm. I’m curious to see if
it even rains. Sometimes the storms arrive, and then head right out to sea. Hopefully
this one drops some rain here. This area hasn’t seen more than a few raindrops
since a March snowstorm dropped 20 cm of powder all over the region, including
the beach. Farmers need this rain bad.
If the weather report holds true, it looks like we will be
staying in tonight. I can use the time to lesson plan, write my classroom rules
and expectations and to revise the page ladder for the 2013 West yearbook.