Eating in the rain
Whereas yesterday there was a little rain and mostly the
threat of rain, today is lots and lots of rain. The area is becoming saturated
with centimeter after centimeter of rain. Twice last night there were thunder
storms that woke me up. Once I woke up thinking someone had turned a light on,
but it was just lightning.
During a break in the rain, I drove down to the center of
town and went to the bakery and the fruit market. Not long after I came back
did it start to rain. It is refreshing outside under the covered part of the
patio, so we decided to prep lunch outside. Then we ate in the rain. Only once
did we have to move the table closer to the house to avoid windswept raindrops.
Even as I am writing this I am sitting under the cover while it pours outside.
Notice the water coming out of the rainspout in the photo.
We did laundry today and moved the clothes drying rack in
front of a fan inside the great room. We put the fan on high and are hoping for
the best. Tonight we were hoping to head to the festival of Santa Cristina in
Campomarino sopra (the part of town above the beach), but I think we’ll have to
settle for pizza here in town. Too much rain to walk around in, and the forecast
is calling for rain through Thursday.