I loathe meetings
Today was annual reunione (condo association meeting), which
is a day I hate but Zia waits all year for. I went as usual, but unusually I
understood every conversation. The meeting, as in past years, went nowhere.
People complained that their TV reception was bad and that we are too far from
the free internet signal provided by the town (which is likely less powerful
than the one I have in Hamilton). Neither is a complaint for the condo
association. There are a couple of walls that need cement, and these should be
fixed before next year. While I was in the waiting area before the meeting,
which always ends with me paying something to the association for preventative maintenance,
I saw a TV guide type magazine with Jack Black on the cover. I guess he’s famous
here too.
After the meeting, I took my mom to La Fontana mall and we
did a little grocery shopping. We almost lost track of time, but we were able
to stop at Ristorante Netti for a little bite to eat for lunch. When we were
done, I changed the light bulb for outside and installed the globe cover. Now
the light isn’t exposed.