Saturday, July 14, 2012

The hills are aflame - again

For the second time in a week, the hills of Campomarino were engulfed in flames today. This afternoon, I went to help Zia hang curtains, and clean her windows. It’s something I do every year, normally followed by a list of things that she thought of for me to do at my house. Today was the day for the sit down, but most of the list had already been finished in the past week. As we cleaned she looked past the corner of the building in front of us and asked if it was clouds or smoke? I went into her bedroom to look out the window for a better view and clearly saw it was smoke, and I could see the flames raging and the fire spreading up the hill. Once again, the fire was close to the gas station. However, I didn’t see the airplanes to drop water this time. In the picture, you can see fire at the top of the hill.

Once I was done cleaning, I got changed and went for a walk. I chose to walk by the lungomare (a strip of beach clubs). Earlier, I decided that for cena (dinner) I was having gelato (Italian ice cream) and pizza, in that order. One nice thing about being an adult is that ice cream doesn’t spoil my dinner. While taking the beach route, I decided to try new places for both foods. Both the pizzeria and gelateria (ice cream shop) had been recommended to me in the past and both were great. The pizza was half the price of the place I always go to. It wasn’t as good, but it wasn’t bad either.

I also passed by the flea market. This year there are about 10 stands selling a multitude of items. I found a watch guy and it was tough to walk away. I saw about 10 watches that I liked and really will have to settle on three. Last year, the price started at 25 Euros and I bargained the guy down to three for 40 Euros. Tonight the guy quoted me a price of 15 Euros. My goal is to bargain down to 10 Euros. It will be tough choosing only three, as this is my watch buying season.

In other news, a follow-up to the news of the other night, the recent murder suicide in Campomarino Lido was featured on the tele giornale (TV news) today. Evidently, the husband found out his wife was cheating on him and he chose to shoot her and then himself. The couple was from San Severo here on vacation.